Found a 2011 Gas Gas EC 300 on Craigslist in NC. Drove there, looked it over, seemed to run decent, needed a little TLC. Settled on a price of $2,500. What could go wrong, right? Well, for your amusement, I've decided to describe the debacle in pictures and poetry:
A bit rough, off the cuff, but surely built with the right stuff? Too much? Not enough? |
Piston leaves me wishin' I'd have kept fishin'. Rebuild now is the only mission. On my head rain is pissin'. |
The head is dead. I see red. I need gold, but have only lead. |
My bore is scored. Oh lord. How will I afford? |
Crankseal doth weep. That ain't cheap. Bearings too, creak, creak. Rod probably also weak.
Happy couple or cursed nuptials? Short honeymoon, 'til the trouble. Iberian dream now shattered bubble. |